Farming at Meon Springs
Whitewool Farm, Meon Springs is committed to farming in a naturally productive way and as far as possible using the principles of permaculture and regenerative farming to achieve this.
Naturally productive farming
The broad aim of the farming strategy at Whitewool Farm is:
To be the most productive farm in the UK - Naturally.
Productivity is key to farming success and "Naturally" is the value that guides and differentiates us.
To achieve this fusion of productivity and value, the farm follows some of the key principles of regenerative farming and permaculture.
Minimise Soil Disturbance
To minimise soil disturbance and allow to underground ecosystem to flourish, cultivations and fertilisation of the land are kept to a minimum.
Maximise Crop Diversity
Being a mixed dairy/arable farm, Whitewool Farm creates a diverse cropping pattern of different forages and cereal crops. This enables a whole range of natural predators to emerge and keep the system in balance, thereby reducing the need for agrochemical controls.
Keep the Soil Covered
Much of the farm is grassland, which is a perennial crop that keeps the soil covered 365 days a year, helping to reduce wind and water erosion, sedimentation and pollution getting into rivers.
Maintain a Living Root
The farm uses cover crops and catch crops to maintain and feed the soil when a cash crop is not being grown.
Integrate Livestock
The farm runs an autumn calved dairy herd, where the cows go out in the summer to graze and are in the sheds during the wetter winter months. Various activities and techniques are being introduced to integrate livestock manures more accurately with the cropping thereby reducing nitrate leaching into the watercourse.
Economic Resilience in Farming Communities
By building soil health, the right becomes earnt to maintain excellent crop output on much reduced input and the balance shifts to making money out of sunshine rather than applied minerals and fertilisers.
By farming our valley regeneratively and implementing regenerative drainage systems we are maximising the amount of water that will enter the aquifer below us and minimising the amount that will go down the stream as run-off and into sea by the end of the day. By developing a Stage Zero Wetland at the point where the water leaves the farm, we are ensuring maximum purity of water entering the River Meon.
Above Ground Diversity
To achieve a balanced ecosystem Whitewool Farm aims to maximise the diversity of crops, nature and wildlife throughout the valley. This will help maintain a natural balance and reduce the chance of pests and diseases taking over and requiring harsh chemical treatment controls.
Cow and Herd Wellbeing
By maintaining and improving cow and herd wellbeing, Whitewool Farm will continue to contribute to soil health and production as well as the natural food producing ecosystem.