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Team Development
to Achieve "Brilliant Solutions"

A Team Development Programme to help people

Discover, realise and deploy

a powerful focus, mindset and skill-set 


to achieve the very best Brilliant Solutions. 

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Brilliant Solutions

Put simply, most people don't know how to effectively solve problems yet alone how to create Brilliant Solutions. 


Issues often start with a feeling or realisation that things just aren't going quite right. â€‹ 

In business, perhaps sales are dropping, the status quo isn't working any more, somebody is being a "Complete Nasty Person".  This is then followed by a journey with many trials and tribulations, negotiations and knock-backs, with an eventual resolution that may be satisfactory or maybe not.


Most people take this journey unaided and are bashed about by the tribulations of life. 


What we have realised is that focused people equipped with effective skills, techniques and the right mindsets find this journey much easier and are more productive, which is why we have developed and, this year, wish to share "Brilliant Solutions". 


Brilliant Solutions is a Team Development programme that uses a framework to help individuals and teams achieve amazing results, with more engagement and less stress.

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"Brilliant Clarity"

"Begin with the end in mind"

Steven Covey


Many people and organisations fail to set realistic goals and aspirations.  In fact many organisations don't set goals at all.


There are many reasons for this such as legacy - "Wanting to carry on as we have always done", fear of failure "It's rare to get fired for not taking a risk", unclear purpose, "People often don't know what they really want".


Unfortunately, this results in a lack of direction, motivation, progress tracking and meaning.


As Steven Covey so clearly states - Beginning with the end in mind is a very good start, which is Why our Team Development Day "Brilliant Clarity" explores just that. 

   In the module, teams practice the skills of visioning and planning in the broadest sense.  They learn how to properly set strategy and explore how to really realise those impossible goals.   


Brilliant Clarity can be adapted to specific situations and run as a Team Development Day in its own right or as part of a "Brilliant Solutions" programme.

"Build it and they will Come."
Ray Kinsella (Field of Dreams)


Brilliant Actions

"Victory without war"

Richard Nixon


Learning the tools, skills and techniques to effectively achieve a result and maintain a great relationship is a rare skill.

This module is all about equipping people with the skills and techniques to negotiate, influence and create victory for themselves and others.


It helps people explore how to thrive in pressure situations.  And, more importantly it covers the skills and mindsets required to achieve a better deal for all.


​​"Brilliant Actions" can be run as a one day workshop, full of skills, techniques and activities or as part of a "Brilliant Solutions" programme.

""This is the largest offer... the Banker has ever made!"
Noel Edmunds (Deal or No Deal)

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"Brilliant People"

"The map is not the territory"

Alfred Korzybski


​At work, we know that anxiety, stress and worry can shut down motivation and inspiration, significantly impacting performance and results of individuals and teams.  And what's more, one person's bad mood can bring the whole team down. 


On our "Brilliant" Team Development Day, we look at developing new perspectives and ways of achieving outcomes beyond the stress and worry.


The day is full of practical exercises and skills to help people see things differently and find their flow.


Brilliant People can be run as a team development day or two day corporate retreat in its own right or run as part of a "Brilliant Solutions" programme.



"My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice."
Newt Scamander (aka Eddie Redmayne)

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